Thursday, January 28, 2010


The past couple of weeks have been jam-packed with family, parties and FUN!  We had Elliott and it was Dean's birthday so we got to do some of this:

And some of this...
And most importantly.. this:

Elliott was the best little helper in going to the store and picking out daddy's card, cupcakes ('Not those big cakes Jessica, just the mini ones.') and wrapping presents.  His personality gets more interactive and fun every time he comes back, it's absolutely wonderful.
We had a birthday dinner for Dean (sans kiddos) on Saturday, and Monday night we went to Miami to enjoy a few days of gorgeous South Beach.  Alot of shopping and eating, my favorite.
That's it for now, just working and cooking alot (I have some stuff to share with you but that will be in a different post) so I just wanted to give a quick update.  Thank you for staying in touch!  Xo

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