Thursday, January 28, 2010


The past couple of weeks have been jam-packed with family, parties and FUN!  We had Elliott and it was Dean's birthday so we got to do some of this:

And some of this...
And most importantly.. this:

Elliott was the best little helper in going to the store and picking out daddy's card, cupcakes ('Not those big cakes Jessica, just the mini ones.') and wrapping presents.  His personality gets more interactive and fun every time he comes back, it's absolutely wonderful.
We had a birthday dinner for Dean (sans kiddos) on Saturday, and Monday night we went to Miami to enjoy a few days of gorgeous South Beach.  Alot of shopping and eating, my favorite.
That's it for now, just working and cooking alot (I have some stuff to share with you but that will be in a different post) so I just wanted to give a quick update.  Thank you for staying in touch!  Xo

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mii Fit..?

So.. I would like to think that right now-this very second- I am in the best shape of my life.  Dean and I have done a great job at dragging eachother to the gym, drinking our protein shakes and mixing up our workouts.  Plus, we're both seeing results!  I've actually put on weight (everyone seems to think this is a wonderful thing because I was 'just so skinny and small' before.. hmm.. I digress..) and am satisfied but getting a little bored with where I'm at.  SOO when my mom told me she was getting us a Wii for the holidays I was very excited- I have heard amazing things about the Wii Fit and other exercise games that go along with it. She also got us this little devil:

Top rated on all the Wii game sites, people have lost hundreds of pounds, blah blah blah.  This 'game' is an unforgiving, relentless jerk of a personal trainer!  My confidence flew out the window when she (and the little flashing screen in front of me blinking 'NO YOU IDIOT, YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO A SIMPLE SQUAT') suggested that maybe I watch the 'how-to' video clip on the excercises on just about every exercise I performed.  After about 14 minutes of my 'Quick 20 Minute Workout' I was heaving for air and fully aware that I am indeed NOT in the kind of shape I previously thought I was in.  I am sparing you the gory play-by-play I was planning before, but in summary: All sarcasm and slight panic attacks aside, this game is absolutely great to use for getting in shape.  It's like a personal trainer without the germy gym equipment and exercise pant wedgies walking around.  You can gasp for oxygen all you want and curse in the privacy of your own home.  Brilliant! 
I am now determined to beat this thing.  Or at least maybe finish the full 20 minute workout.  We'll see.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Wow.. I'm a blogger.

Hello!  So after much thought (who knew you would have to heavily consider such a trivial decision) I have decided to delete my Facebook, Myspace, and whatever other accounts I might have out there.  Status updates, scandalous pictures (not of me mind you), knowing a little too much about people I would really rather not and the overall self-centered-ness of it all just got to be too intense for my liking.  The way I see it, I have things I want to share with you that are important to me.  Having a space to do that without needing to see what people are eating for breakfast that day or how wasted they got the night before is preferable for me. :)
That being said, welcome to my blog!  I have no idea what I'm doing.  But eventually, I plan on sharing content of my (our) daily life that I think is useful- recipes, products, ideas... or maybe sometimes I'll just post pictures or vent.  So leave me comments on how great your Cheerios were this morning if you like, I'm sure I'll need a laugh or two for old times sake ;)